Thursday 29 October 2015

Suffering from erectile dysfunction? Try these 5 drinks - by Debjani Arora - well, some of them might be hard to find in nigeria

Top 5 health drinks to beat erectile dysfunction and boost sexual stamina
While there can be numerous reasons why you can't perform in bed, erectile dysfunction is a major problem. Sure, the condition stems from other medical problems and calls for medical attention. However, some foods can help you deal with it and better your performance. Here are some health drinks that can help you get back in action in no time.
Beetroot juice: When it comes to food and sexual health, nothing beats beet. They are rich in nitrates, which converts into nitric oxide inside the body, a gas that helps the blood vessels to dilate and improve circulation. This means more blood circulating in the lower part of your body and the penis. That translates into better erection and helps you last longer in bed. Watermelon juice: This fruit is high in L-citrulline and lycopene, two components that can do wonders to boost male sexual health. Citrulline helps blood vessels to relax and promotes blood circulation that helps to maintain an erection longer. Lycopene also works on similar lines. You can say watermelons are nature’s own Viagra.
Pomegranate juice: A study carried by the University of California pointed out that the antioxidants present in pomegranate help to improve blood supply and improve circulation that translates into more blood in the penis, helping them sustain a longer erection.
Tomato juice: Lycopene, a phytonutrient present in tomatoes helps boost circulation and also resolves many sexual problems. Eating tomatoes is good for heart health as it helps to better the pumping rate and send blood to different parts of the body, including your sexual organs. So if your heart pumps better, you perform better in bed.
Spinach juice: Leafy green vegetables are rich in nitrates too. So pick up spinach and juice it up. This green juice will help blood to flow to your extremities and help you perform better in bed. Spinach is a good option among greens which gives you both strength and vitality.
The Health Site

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