Tuesday 27 October 2015

Breast Cancer Awareness Tip #26 — Check for changes in your skin texture - Pavitra Sampath

Breast cancer is a condition that most of us don’t really think about and usually anything involving the breast is brushed under the rug due to the taboo. But it is about time that we all woke up to the threat of the condition and paid attention to the gravity of the situation. One of the most simple ways to help you stay safe from the disease and possibly catch it early is by keeping an eye out for the symptoms. One of the most common and noticeable symptoms is a change in the texture of the skin around your breasts. Usually soft and supple, if the skin around your breasts starts to feel a bit different it is a definite warning sign. Dr Sumeet Shah, Oncosurgeon says, ‘ If the skin around your breasts feels thick, hard and like an ‘orange’ peel, you need to get the reason for this thickening investigated immediately.’ What you can do about it A great starting point is a breast self exam every month and checks for common signs and symptoms like nipple discharge, lumps in and around your breasts, changes in your nipple shape and also the presence of lumps in your armpits. Here’s a step-by-step guide to doing a breast self exam. If you do notice any one of these signs it is best to visit your doctor and get a mammography done as soon as possible. Apart from that, if you are at risk for suffering from this condition, then eating right, exercising, keeping a check on your weight and staying generally healthy can also help you stay safe from the condition. Here are a few tips to help prevent the onset of breast cancer.

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